6 week In Person Therapy Group
While the pandemic has taken a toll on everyone, it’s impossible to understate the impact it’s had on children in the middle of their emotional and psychological development. There is much work to be done to make sure we equip these children to be thriving adults despite this significant setback
That’s exactly what this group is for:
This therapy group will be ideal for kids ages 9-12. We will create a safe environment for them to acclimate to social settings following such a long period of socially isolating restrictions.
We will be teaching social skills that will generally benefit them to be better equipped to connect, nurture, and enjoy their personal relationships!
This group will be in person to maximize the benefits to the children, but of course, we will take the utmost safety precautions!
Cost: Cigna or $240
Location: 555 Highland Ave Cheshire, CT. 06410
Mondays 5:00 – 6:00 PM.
June 21 – July 26
This group will be facilitated by Todd Esperance, LPCA. He specializes in helping individuals overcome adversity, cope with life stress, and generally improve their emotional well-being. Todd provides compassionate, culturally informed, and evidence-based treatment. He is extremely passionate about helping children deal with this confusing and challenging, but hopefully ultimately rewarding time as they find they can overcome adversity and continue to flourish into their full potential!
Thanks for subscribing!
Healing Springs Wellness Center
1006 S Main Street Suite 4 Plantsville, CT 06479
Tel: 860-385-1472
E-mail: info@healingspringswellness.com
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