How to Reparent Yourself
“For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.” – Yong Kang Chan
We’re here to support you on your healing journey. Let’s discuss your needs and explore the solutions that our mental health and wellness team has to offer.
“For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.” – Yong Kang Chan
“What we don’t need in the midst of struggle is shame for being human.” – Brené Brown
Go easy on yourself. Whatever you do today, let it be enough.
Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.
“Bad chapters can still create a story that ends well. Let your past be part of your story, not part of your identity.” – Anonymous
Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable.
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” – Audre Lorde
Guidance through a process of reframing mind from thoughts that raise anxiety to more positive and self-assuring ones.
“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close
Your creativity can be used a tool to help you heal from your traumas and ease your anxieties.
Survivors of traumatic situations deserve love and protection, but having a history of abuse can make any relationship…
Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that can also have a psychological impact on an individual.
When it comes to dealing with our trauma, it can be tempting to push away. Handling the painful experiences and difficult memories of our past is uncomfortable and we might not feel ready quite yet.
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Healing Springs Wellness Center
1006 S Main Street Suite 4 Plantsville, CT 06479
Tel: 860-385-1472
E-mail: info@healingspringswellness.com
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